Graphic with abstract shapes and text "ESOL"


Pamela Braziel
Federal Programs Director

Angela Baker
ESOL Program Director, Lead Teacher CCMS

Jennifer Phillips
Lead ESOL Teacher CCPS

Andee Carter
Teacher CCPS

Wendy Dorsey
3rd Grade Teacher CCPS

Tanya Ford
Kindergarten Teacher CCPS

Sherri Rainey
1st Grade Teacher CCPS

Patricia Ross
2nd Grade Teacher CCPS

Lisa Weldon
1st Grade Teacher CCPS

Gina Worley
1st Grade Teacher CCPS

Sara Joiner
3rd Grade Teacher CCPS

Natashia Davis
Lead ESOL Teacher CCES

Terri Davis
4th Grade Teacher CCES

Maria Harber
5th Grade Teacher CCES

Penny Rodgers
4th Grade Teacher CCES

Christi Gibbs
8th Grade Teacher CCMS

Susannah Herzog
7th Grade Teacher CCMS

Laura Robinson
8th Grade Teacher CCMS

Matthew Kennedy
6th Grade Teacher CCMS

Tara Shurley
Assistant Principal CCHS

Shannon Williams
English Teacher CCHS

Contact Information

Crisp County Board of Education

Crisp County Middle School

Crisp County Primary School

Crisp County Primary School

Crisp County Primary School

Crisp County Primary School

Crisp County Primary School

Crisp County Primary School

Crisp County Primary School

Crisp County Primary School

Crisp County Primary School

Crisp County Elementary School

Crisp County Elementary School

Crisp County Elementary School

Crisp County Elementary School

Crisp County Middle School

Crisp County Middle School

Crisp County Middle School

Crisp County Middle School

Crisp County High School

Crisp County High School

Our mission:

It is our mission at the Crisp County School System to utilize research-based strategies to meet the needs of our ELL students. The Director of Federal Programs & Assessments, the ESOL District Coordinator, ESOL Lead Teachers, ESOL Teachers, Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and other faculty and staff work together to support our ESOL students and ensure that they are learning in a safe environment where their needs are being met and optimal learning is taking place. 

Our goals:

  • Support our ELLs as they develop skills for reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

  • Assess and monitor our ELLs so that we can provide them with ongoing support to meet their ever-changing needs.

  • Create a learning environment where students’ emotional and cognitive needs are met.

  • Increase students’ proficiency in the English language so that they can function successfully in the regular classroom. 

  • Provide guidance and support to help ELLs reach his or her potential. 

  • Communicate the goals and expectations of our programs so that parents can be involved in the educational process. 

  • Offer support and professional learning opportunities for administrators, counselors, teachers, and/or other professionals to help them meet the needs of our ELLs. 


How does a student become eligible for ESOL services?

The WIDA screener, or were eligible for ESOL services in another school system before coming to Crisp County.

Why was my child selected for ESOL services?

In registration packets for Crisp County Schools, there are 4 questions about Home Language. If any of the 3 questions are answered with anything other than English, the WIDA screener is administered.

Who can I talk to if I have questions about my child's ESOL classes?

You can contact the ESOL teacher at your child's school.