Make Mathematics Count, GA!

The Georgia Department of Education is excited to announce the launch of a new K-HS mathematics parent video series! The Make Mathematics Count, Georgia! outreach campaign is an exciting project from the Georgia Department of Education to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning in mathematics at each grade level, K-HS. The Georgia Department of Education has partnered with Georgia Public Broadcasting to share information from some of Georgia’s celebrities and parents who eagerly communicate the importance of mathematizing Georgia! The celebrities have shared ways in which mathematics is used in everyday life. Mathematics educators and parents worked collaboratively to develop the videos and parent support guides for each grade level to educate and empower parents in the state of Georgia as they support the implementation of Georgia's K-12 Mathematics Standards.

Mathematics is a beautiful subject that has a lot of relevance and applicability to real-life. Please use these resources to have conversations around the importance of mathematics and ways to make mathematics fun for learners!  

Click here to access the video series and supporting materials:

Let’s Make Mathematics Count, Georgia!